Keep an eye on this!

Does the Walter Reed hospital story bother you as bad as it does me and others? In conjuction with The Brick Pizzeria, we are developing a shirt that we feel makes the point. Yes, we will make a buck or two off of them, but we want the a percentage of the proceeds to go to a decent organization or group. At this time, we are leaning towards the Imus ranch for children. Im all for it, but I also think Id like to split that and share with an organization that is helping our injured veterans. After all, thats the issue behind the shirts... What do you folks think? Tell me at

Ideas from the outer perimeter

Iscoot2 came back with the first input! Check out his ideas for our charity selection under the "Special Links" section!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Hotbed of unresolved resolve

Are any of you planning to attend the Gathering of Eagles?? This promises to be one awesome event...

It would be like having the Million man march start at a KKK rally.

SOOO much anger... sooo much hatred...

Just to clarify, Im with the Eagles on this. Very much so. The very IDEA of Jane Fonda even TOUCHING that monument disgusts me to the core of my being. And I wasnt even IN Vietnam. I cannot comprehend the burning bile that wells up in a combat veteran of Vietnam at such a thought.

Last time these yahoo's met, they spray-painted the Capital steps!! Now they intend to march from the hallowed ground of the WALL, past ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETARY, and onward past many other memorials to the White House.

They can march, they have the same freedom of speech as we all do... but the Eagles are going to be there to protect the Wall (among other sites as well).

Folks are pouring in from Canada, Hawaii, etc. Its going to be HUGE.

And every one of them will be there, seething, angry, and looking for a reason.

And Jane and her troops are not the types to back down from a challenge.

It would be bad enough with just the protestors, but for every one of these veterans... just to know that Hanoi Jane is right there... just across the street....

...and this time there wont be any chain link fences holding these proud warriors back... no Vietnamese soldiers guarding HER from the Americans she taunts and spits on through the fence.

This could get ugly....

One veteran is trying to get a group together to get to DC for the event proclaiming "just bring a bag lunch and some bail money!"

Im thinking the bag lunch is an optional item...

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