Keep an eye on this!

Does the Walter Reed hospital story bother you as bad as it does me and others? In conjuction with The Brick Pizzeria, we are developing a shirt that we feel makes the point. Yes, we will make a buck or two off of them, but we want the a percentage of the proceeds to go to a decent organization or group. At this time, we are leaning towards the Imus ranch for children. Im all for it, but I also think Id like to split that and share with an organization that is helping our injured veterans. After all, thats the issue behind the shirts... What do you folks think? Tell me at

Ideas from the outer perimeter

Iscoot2 came back with the first input! Check out his ideas for our charity selection under the "Special Links" section!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Sex, lies and videotape...

Some of you are likely thinking... he cant tie all of those into the Washington DC. rally, can he??

Too easy!


john thomas gillick, is that you?

Is THAT why you keep after me?


Too many moonbat images and groups to choose from here... the lies are extreme, rampant and sadly swallowed by their poor loyal followers....


And with this begins the true purpose of my blog today.

Videotape was everywhere! Dont believe me? Besides the owners of the vans shown above, look on YouTube, Google Video, Yahoo video etc.

Yet, with ALL this video in abundance, the major news services totally ignored what was glaring them in the face. I will admit that FOX came closer than any others, but still... damn!

I was brought up to always consider the source, always question the motive and to never forget that the media excercises a certain amount of bias. I thought I was pretty good at "reading between the lines" on news recieved from various sources.

But I was sooooooooooo horribly clueless. I have awakened. I now see that the media simply cannot be trusted, period. PERIOD. This is serious folks.

Funny thing is, this is one thing that both Gathering of Eagles and the moonbats can agree on!

If that isnt scary, I give up.

I was trying to think of how I wanted to write this blog on the bombardment of lies and half-truths when MASS PATRIOT, a painfully good looking lady with more brains and class than any husband should have to endure, brought this to my attention...

Hi Gerb,

Regarding the petition against the war on the A.N.S.W.E.R website, the one that they claim over 1700 active military signed. It's totally bogus. How do I know? I know because I clicked on the link to see who the signatories were and guess what? As soon as I clicked on that link, I was automatically registered as a troop who opposes the war!

Consider this. Not only am I not active duty, I am a female civilian and I never served in uniform. I have to wonder how many people clicked on that link out of curiosity and received the same message that their "signature" was registered.

Unlike the Appeal For Courage petition ( ) which is an appeal for redress in support of our soldier's mission and which asks the signer to submit information on their

Branch of Service,
Home Zip Code (required),
Duty Station (required),
Duty Status,
Whether or not they are currently serving in Iraq,
Whether or not they have ever served in the Iraq or Afghanistan theaters
States SPECIFICALLY the nature of the grievance,

The phony petition on the A.N.S.W.E.R asks for NONE of that information. ANYONE can click on that link, and once they do, their "click" is counted as a signature by an alleged soldier.

Their petition is pure baloney. But then what would one expect from a Communist, pro-terrorist organization like A.N.S.W.E.R?

Lies flow from A.N.S.W.E.R like diarrhea from an impacted elephant. All one has to do is look at how they photo-shopped their pictures from the March 17th rally to make it look like tens of thousands of anti-American, pro-terrorist traitors showed up when photographic and video evidence proves that "maybe" 5,000 showed up.

Once the word got out that tens of thousands of Eagles were coming to protect our nation's monuments, even the traitor Jane Hanoi Fonda bugged out.

That A.N.S.W.E.R petition is total BS, just like A.N.S.W.E.R itself. The petition is a joke.

Mass Patriot

Now, lets admit it... Hearing that A.N.S.W.E.R would "LIE" isnt exactly new news is it?

Leather clad bikers, primed for a rumble and hyped up to extreme levels, suddenly changed gears and gave aid to a bleeding moonbat... and to read their websites, we threw old people out of wheelchairs, tossed moonbats around, attacked poor mothers and children....

Im still waiting to hear about how we probably caused the bleeding before we fixed them up...

Lets ignore the videos scattered all over the web. The lady moonbat who tried to spit on a vet (the moonbats STILL try to say vets never were spit on ever in history).

The video of the STUPID moonbat (there were lots of you) who decided to walk through thousands of angry veterans with a peace sign who, on being discovered, had his sign taken from him and was forced/allowed to leave (meaning they created a three sided wall with only one way to walk) after only being jostled some.

Lets ignore that too.

Im truly disgusted to find that the levels of propaganda in this country are equal to, if not worse, those that I was taught to despise in Russia.

Spakoynye notshe comrade!

Thursday, March 22, 2007


I dont know who to thank, but somebody linked my site!!!

Now Im gonna have to type more... Damn...

Most all of my pictures are up folks!

Those who have kept up with me know that I made it to GOE largely due to

Columbus, NC. 28722
These folks felt so strongly in our mission that they totally sponsored my trip and paid all expenses!

So I felt it was only fair to let them host my pictures first. At least for awhile.

Also, the infamous shirts are out! If you are also pissed off by the Walter Reed story (and not TOO picky about the wording) check them out.

gets you a shirt

Anything over that goes to a veterans charity.

We are leaning on Wounded Warrior after Gabby from Rolling Thunder Tennessee Chapter 1 gave them such a resounding recommendation!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

A Glorious Gathering of Eagles

This wasn’t a National Geographic special, it was the name given to a last minute waving of the lanterns that the enemy was coming. “Patriots Unite!”

And unite they did! With just one month of preparation approximately 30,000 (figures given by Washington National Park Service - I THINK) men, women and children answered the call to action and stood tall and proud around our military monuments.

I had the absolute honor and privilege, as a Desert Storm Army active duty combat veteran, to attend this Gathering Of Eagles with my dad Kurt, a retired Navy Vietnam-Era veteran.

We rode to Washington out of Dandridge TN on a charter bus occupied and provided by Rolling Thunder, Tennessee Chapter 1. A busload of ex-military, leather clad bikers who welcomed us as though we had been a member since birth. Along the ten or so hour long drive, they joked often, slept little, watched movies and somberly discussed the mission at hand.

In January of this year, anti-war activists marched on the Capital as they often have. Only difference was, this time they painted the capital steps when they got there and they adorned the Navy monument, The Lone Sailor, with a pink crown representing the CODE PINK activists for peace.

Along with various other memorial desecrations across the country, various pro-veteran groups sat up and took notice. The dragon had awakened.
Their next march was planned for March 17th 2007. Only this time they were marching to the Pentagon and starting the march next to the Vietnam Memorial Wall.

Known to veterans as “The Wall” and considered to be hallowed ground, word spread across the internet like a match to jet fuel to “Protect the Wall!!” This coming immediately after the New York Times report on horrible conditions many veterans face at Walter Reed hospital, the dragon was now angry.

As interest and numbers grew, the mission expanded. Vietnam veterans vowed to circle and protect The Wall, Navy veterans planned to protect The Lone Sailor, others vowed to protect the various other military monuments in the area as well as provide a “shield” to the Arlington National Cemetery hoping the spirits of the fallen would not have to see or hear the protestors.

It quickly became very clear that more than enough would attend. The mission was expanded again. These others decided to arrange themselves in various locations along the planned march route to show support for soldiers and the current military operations overseas.

Calling themselves the new “silent majority” they now considered themselves as having two primary objectives. First and foremost was to protect the memorials from defacement or injury. Second was to gather a force large enough to show our country’s leaders, and the rest of the world, that veterans were no longer apathetic. They were sick, tired and demanding to be heard.

While thousands held a silent, respectful vigil around the monuments, thousands more listened to speakers a block away and yet thousands more aligned themselves in direct defiance to the peace rally across the road separated by Park Police in riot gear. This last group was anything but quiet as both groups exchanged obscenities, slogans and various barbs.

When the march started, this Gathering of Eagles stretched themselves along the march route and formed a “gauntlet” through which the anti-war marchers must pass. The Eagles vowed to allow the activists their freedom to march as well as their freedom to speech but also decided they could also exercise their freedom to speech as well, taunting them and hurling messages such as “traitors”. The heat was felt from both sides.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

My last post prior to GOE

Wish us luck if you are with us. If you cant come, do remember that ANSWER, Code Pink and friends are touting this as a NATIONAL event!

YOUR hometown is not safe from these fanatics.

In any case, somebody leave a comment will ya? I see the traffic, I know you are there... say HI.

Even an insult would let me know WHO is tracking me down... be it Patriot or moonbat.

Thanks to Cruzier for this definition,

Moonbat: The term came into popular use in blogs in February, 2004 with the Barking Moonbat Early Warning System blog in which blogger Allan Kelly humorously describes a moonbat as “a human whose cerebral cortex has turned to silly putty causing him or her to mentally slide down the evolutionary ladder to the level of a winged rat who is influenced by the moon and who wants to eat your brain. These creatures have broken brains and since the brain is the organ that tells us all when we’re broken, their broken detection mechanism is unable to tell them that they are barking mad.”

Support or Troops but not their mission?

This one is from Mike L.

My son came home from patrolling the roads and cities of Iraq in October, he’s back and starting his second year there. No you won’t see him as an agenda tool on 60 minutes and he’s not one of the 1500 soldiers that signed the petition against the war. Almost all of the soldiers in Iraq support their mission. In communication he talks about the new schools, medical facilities, power stations and roads that we have put in place in many areas of Iraq. Most of these facilities and services have been down going back many years and often, they never had the services. The people in most areas are friendly and getting friendlier, they want us to stay because we give them the security they didn’t have and they know what will happen once we leave. He says you can tell by the looks in the peoples eyes when the enemy is lurking about, its a look you can’t forget. Thinking about the mantra, Support the soldier but not the war I find it to ring rather shallow. If I would have told my son “Welcome home son, We support you but not what you do” He would have looked me in the eyes and said “What the hell are you talking about, you weren’t there, I was, so how can you say you don’t support the mission?”. Our soldiers are well aware of the media and left’s propaganda over here and they are well aware that it is politically motivated, after all for many in our country everything is about politics. I started paying a lot of attention to this war the early summer of 2005 knowing my son was going there. Things weren’t bad, Americans were supporting the war but our political operatives were worried, after all mid-term elections were only a year away and the support of the war was disturbing to them. That’s when you started to hear mantra’s that their PR guys told them to say, they shouted “NAZI’S, GULAG’S, THEY ARE SPREADING TERROR, ILLEGAL WAR, QUAGMIRE, JUST LIKE VIET NAM” repeated at nausea by our main stream media, the drumbeat was deafening. They were painting our fighting men and women as barbarians all over again, why not, it worked for Viet Nam. I along with hundreds of thousands of parents watched in horror as the number soldiers KIA started to go up, the media people were almost falling over themselves so they could be the first to break the latest body count. Many deaths were reported as “teasers” before the evening report. What’s the bottom line, when America’s soldiers are in harms way, to embolden our enemy is treason plain and simple, the debate was held before the war and the vote was taken. Once you commit troops in battle you shut up. This lie crap was floated by political operatives who needed wiggle room, nothing more. Political gain is not worth American lives AGAIN. Want want a parallel with Viet Nam, the parallel is we have people in this country once again doing the bidding of our enemy and Soldiers are suffering needless deaths. All for politics, disgusting. When you are at the Viet Nam memorial take a look at it, how many names are there for political gain? Ask Jane Fonda how many of those names are there because she emboldened our enemies. TOO MANY!!!
Unlike Viet Nam, our soldiers are watching. When politically motivated reports are on the mess hall TV’s they boo. Our Viet Nam vets didn’t know this crap was going on back here, they found out in the airports when they returned. Pathetic.
I’m heading out the door and heading for D.C. I go there for four reasons. Once again to honor our fallen hero’s, protect our monuments from radical groups, once again thank our living Viet Nam hero’s and welcome them home and to show Support for or Troops AND their Mission, after all they are watching.

Another great reason...

I must thank "Gunner" for this excellent reminder...

A couple of months ago I said goodbye to my son as he left on his 6th tour to Iraq. He has also served 2 tours to Afganistan as a SF officer. There was a part of me that wanted to tell him not to go again. Not only as a normally worried parent, one who personally knows the horrors of combat, but also as one is has been constantly bombarded with the defeatest propaganda from the left. I wanted to tell him that he’s 33 yrs. old and has a son at home to raise. “Stay home, let someone else go, this country isn’t worth risking your life for anymore.” I know, from my Nam expierience, just how ungrateful this country can become. I read the papers and see the news, filled with filth and scum, from corrupt politicians to the human monsters they called child molesterors. i know what kind of pampered, ungrateful scum that we will face at the wall and their willing accomplicies in the media. Part of me want’s to say that America has died and isn’t worth my son’s life anymore. Then i think of our ancestors and the sacrifices they made to give us the freedoms we take for granted today. I think of my son’s grandfather, my father, riding out his missions in a B-17, behind a waistegun, over Germany. I think of my grandfather in Bellu Woods and the muddy fields of the Argonne and his granfather dying on a hot summer day in a field called Gettysburg. I think of all of them, the worries their families had, and how lesser men thought them fools. Then I look into the faces of small children, the innocents who deserve a free and secure future in this great country of ours. My son and millions of others stand their ground against the beasts who would take that all away. someone once said that for evil to triumph good men only to do nothing.i will be at the Wall Saturday, even if i have to drag this broken old body of mine there. I will proudly stand beside you, my brothers and sisters, as we face down this rabble filth, this enemy within.God Bless you and God Bless America. America will survive as long as the true flame of patriotism burns in our hearts.

Battlefield Journalist??

What an amazing turn of events!

This Sat. is the GOE stand against anarchists, pinko's, communists, and all other anti-Americans fixing to swarm on the Pentagon. Which is their right.

Ever since I first heard of GOE, I knew this was something I wanted to be a part of! Its not republican or democrat, its simply a stand up letting people know that the silent majority of US Veterans refuse to remain silent anymore! We refuse to take your spit, your hostility, your inhumane treatment of us anymore!

You may use those freedoms we hold so dearly, those freedoms we live and die for, against us INDIRECTLY! But no more direct abuse on us (nor on the memorials built to remember our fallen) while you hide under the shield of freedoms that you would have abolished if you had your way!

I was going to this if I had to walk!

I then told a buddy of mine about it. He too, is a veteran (Vietnam). He now runs a pizza place here in NC. I was hoping he might wanna go with me.

Next thing I know, I have a sponsor! Folks, when I say a sponsor, I dont just mean "here, wear a shirt with our logo on it and Ill give you a free meal".

I mean a SPONSOR. Tomorrow after work, Ill get in HIS truck headed to TN. There, Ill catch a charter bus to DC. Ill pay my way on the bus with the money the pizza place furnished. Ill be outfitted with cameras, cell phone, etc that belong to the pizza place. Everything is covered!

Wait! It gets weirder!!

He also got in touch with the local media and I am now officially a press reporter for the local newspaper here!!!


The support for this is incredible! Once they hear about it (mainstream media has NOT been helpful in getting the word out... as usual..), people really get behind this!

America is BACK BABY!!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Lashing Out

Heads up gang!

One by one, Gathering of Eagles site as well as those of its supporters are being attacked all over the web. If you support GOE and have a blog or website, beware.

Im not saying "who" is behind it... but I dont think you have to look too far to guess. The leftist element marching on the 17th have been extremely active lately on the GOE forums lately.

You GOTTA love the irony huh? They wish to deny us the very freedoms we stand for, offer our lives to protect and those freedoms are the same umbrella these assholes use to hide under.

They wish to silence those who oppose the crap they spew.

You folks are sooo lame. Its embarrassing...

Saturday, March 10, 2007


There are two petitions now up online. One for people to sign only if they WILL be at the Gathering of Eagles on March 17th:
The second petition is for those who will be with us in spirit:
This will be very helpful in giving us some idea of how many Eagles will be in attendance on the 17th and how many will be supporting us from home.
If you plan to be there, sign in. Those who just can’t attend but stand with us in spirit are asked to sign the second petition.

I Rest My Case!!!

Still wondering why we are going to Washington?

First, Click on this link

Second, Read below....

This comment was left at the Gathering of Eagles website. Its not even worth the font size I gave it...

PresidentBush March 10th, 2007 3:02 pm

President Bush has committed high crimes and misdemeanors against the citizens of the United States. This is treason. It is only a matter of time before him and his pack of lying killers are tried on charges of treason. do you know what the penalty for treason is?

Further more. You are all accomplishes to his crime, docile supplicants you are, you will be found guilty too. I suggest you check the federal code to see what punishment you will be getting.

Treasonist lying baby killers.


Now, to be fair... the following post below is also from a peace protestor. However, this person has my utmost respect.

Moonbat March 10th, 2007 6:52 pm

I, for one, plan to march right past the memorials and to the Pentagon. I’m glad you’re defending the Vietnam Memorial but it may be excessive, as nobody is planning to desecrate it.

The Pentagon is where the war was planned, and where the exit strategy was not planned. I believe this war is illegal and immoral, and our troops should never have been committed to such a folly. Saddam could have been eliminated without the unnecessary loss of American life.

I disagree with point #7 of your mission statement. It is possible to support the troops but not the war. You can oppose the war without engaging in “behavior that is demeaning and abusive to the men and women who wear our nation’s uniform.”

If we honestly believed that everyone there would be folks like "Moonbat", most of us would be staying home getting much needed yardwork done on March 17th. But, thanks to the likes of "president bush", we feel the need to be present and accounted for in Washington DC.

Thank You Moonbat, feel free to wave hello on March 17th as you march by... Ill be happy to wave back.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Another excellent read!!

Its very hard to come up with new posts to this blog when there are so many others who say it soooo much better than I ever could!

Want to know EXACTLY what the Gathering Of Eagles is?? Ask the man who made it happen.

Read it here: